WSR Technical Services


WSR Technical Services, Inc. is the service arm of GBS. It is a sister company and shares the same ownership. WSR completes the GBS commitment to offer end-to-end custom HVAC solutions, providing start-up, commissioning, warranty and service for all the products we represent.

GBS realizes that custom HVAC systems are investments that require knowledge beyond the initial install to run effectively and efficiently. That’s why we established WSR. Our personnel are trained to start, operate, and commission the “system.” This provides the owner / end user with a tremendous comfort level and eliminates the need for multiple start-up techs. With GBS, you have one point of contact, saving you coordination, time, and money and gives all parties a sense of comfort that GBS supports the entire project, not just the product.

WSR offers complete start-up, labor warranties, inspections, troubleshooting, maintenance, and commissioning.