Burns Mechanical Inc


Burns Mechanical is known for providing the highest quality HVAC, plumbing, and process piping systems and mechanical services for the most prominent Philadelphia-area construction projects. As a mechanical services company, we are extremely proud of this legacy and consider it to be our foundation. Additionally, as part of a large Northeast / Mid-Atlantic fleet of mechanical contracting firms, Burns is able to leverage a broad range of energy services capabilities for our customers’ benefit.

In addition to our successful history of large-scale projects, Burns Mechanical provides the expertise for unique and smaller projects including fast-track, challenging renovations, design-build, turnkey, and design-assist. Our strengths include exceptional service capabilities and the remarkable expertise of our technicians on the front line – professionals who excel in problem-solving and are deeply committed to an ethic of service.

Our team, including a depth of Professional Engineers and LEED-accredited professionals, takes pride in providing a mindset of excellence and a passion for service to the customer. This committed core of dedicated people – from pipefitters to engineers to technicians to office staff – makes Burns the exceptional business that it is, and we’re very proud of our team. Throughout our organization, we are committed to each other, our industry, and our clients.

From that first point of contact in the field to the sales, dispatching, and project management functions, we celebrate excellence. At every touch point with our customers and partners, we seek to offer the very best solutions and service.