Why You Should Get HVAC Maintenance Checks Every Year

January 30, 2018

Why You Should Get HVAC Maintenance Checks Every Year

If your home HVAC system stops working, you’re going to be uncomfortable for a few days until you can get it repaired or replaced. Similarly, when your commercial HVAC equipment malfunctions, you’re probably going to put a damper on employee productivity and morale, which could cost you customers. The best way to ensure that doesn’t happen is to perform regular maintenance at least once or twice per year.

Being prepared and proactive reduces risks that can trickle down to the bottom line for your company.

Fewer Emergency Repairs

Nobody likes industrial HVAC repairs. They are costly in time and lost productivity and always seem to happen at the worst possible time.

Regular maintenance won’t prevent all malfunctions, but it will substantially reduce the occurrence. Our professional industrial HVAC contractors catch problems in their early stages, before you even notice that there’s something wrong, and we can fix these issues without disrupting your HVAC service at all. In the event that you still require emergency service, a service contract from an expert in commercial HVAC provides you with priority service so you can resume normal business operations as quickly as possible.

Increased Efficiency

Well-maintained commercial HVAC systems save money. Industry studies show that companies that follow regular maintenance schedules typically reduce total energy use by 15 to 20 percent and total heating and cooling expenditures up to 50 percent.

Your HVAC equipment immediately starts to develop wear and tear after installation. Just like your personal vehicle, your HVAC system will run more efficiently if you ensure that it has enough coolant, the thermometer is accurately measuring the air temperature and the filters aren’t clogged with dust. The less it has to run to heat or cool the space, the less energy it will use and the less wear and tear it will develop each year.

Increased Comfort

That increased efficiency comes with another benefit — increased comfort. Your employees are more productive if they aren’t sweating or freezing.

Our industrial HVAC service packages don’t just ensure that your facilities are a comfortable temperature. By changing out the air filters and scrubbing coils free of mold, we’ll improve your structure’s air quality and, as a result, your employees’ and customers’ health.

Changing Standards

HVAC manufacturers have been developing increasingly efficient equipment to save business owners money on operating costs, and the maintenance industry has been following suit with new strategies and guidelines for keeping HVAC equipment running at peak efficiency.

That means our service checklist grows even more comprehensive every year to help keep your system working as effortlessly as possible and for as long as possible. If you’ve never had your industrial HVAC system tuned up or simply want more information on our commercial refrigeration maintenance packages, find the Jersey HVAC Pros member closest to you.

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